Friday 24 August 2012

Become a Seo Expert in Internet World

Search engine optimization—the canny use of keywords and other techniques designed to shoot a website to the top of a search—is the make-or-break factor for many new businesses.When searchers enter a query in the search box of a search engine, the search engine’s job is to find the most relevant results to the query by matching the search query to the information in its index.Panda is aimed to reduce rankings for low quality sites and improve rankings for sites with great, innovation, and insightful content. Penguin is aimed to remove web spam and combat what they view as black hat.
Things not to be done while doing seo
  1. Splash Page
  2. Non-spiderable Flash Menus
  3. Image and Flash Content
  4. Overuse of Ajax
  5. Versioning of Theme Design
  6. “Click Here” Link Anchor Text
  7. Common Title Tag Mistakes
  8. Exceeding the 65 character limit
  9. Keyword stuffing the title
  10. Empty Image Alt Attribute
  11. Unfriendly URLs

White Hat Seo Methods
Internal Linking
Internal links are links that go from one page on a domain to a different page on the same domain.This is helpful to the user to quickly jump to the information he/she is looking for.With internal linking, the better you do, you equally benefit the human element but also the crawling bot. So, let’s start making everyone happy.Internal linking also promotes healthy link equity flow throughout a site, allows you to strategically channel link juice to target landing pages.
Reciprocal Linking
When web sites link to each other, either directly or indirectly through a number of different pages, a search engine might consider those links to be reciprocal links. Reciprocal links have become one of the MOST popular methods of getting backlinks for your website. A good reciprocal link would be described as two sites that are linking to each other which are of related topics.

Content Creation
SEO content is versatile content that is manufactured for the purpose of increasing traffic to a site with the end goal of boosting search engine rankings. The content creation kit will help you get started with creating engaging and effective content to help you generate more valuable leads.
content creation services:

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